Deep Thoughts on the Lake

Spent a bit of time on the lake last week, and got into a deep discussion with my fishing buddy there. Funny how sitting on the water lends itself to conversations on theology and other topics of importance. Probably a lot of hard problems could be solved if people just fished more! Right in the midst of a particularly prickly point of discussion, I felt something hit, and begin to run out the line on my lightweight fishing rod. All I ever catch there is bream, so I typically just use a little ultralight that is prefect for bream or trout. Anyway, this turned out to be a small catfish, but it felt a lot bigger on the line. Isn't that usually the way? According to the Georgia DNR, there are some very large catfish in this part of the lake. But since bream have been the only fish appearing, I was surprised to catch one myself. A catfish period, I mean. Nice change of pace.

We also made it to the back stretch of the lake where it turns into a swamp/marsh area. It looks cooler than it was - mostly it was a lot of mud, some birds, bugs, and frogs. No sign of fish or any other life there really. This lake varies quite a bit over the course of the year. It's an offshoot body of water of the larger Lake Allatoona, which is drained and sent downstream via river to Alabama and Florida. This little section of the lake that we fish is the only part of the lake that really retains depth all year long, though in many places it is only 10 - 20 feet deep.

I'd really like to get out for an afternoon with my wife. I've taken Jack out, but she's yet to come on a canoe adventure with me, so I am working to convince her for this weekend. She grew up fishing this area, so she always seems to out fish me when we've gone in the past. But.... that is also true of many people I have fished with!

The weather this summer has been ideal. Not as hot as the past few years, breezy, blue skies. I certainly can't complain.


  1. That's a good time out Corey. I think you think your best in the outdoors. You can put all the junk and distractions away and have a clear mind and put things in perspective. Well now that you know the catfish are around I say you go back and try for some supper next time.

    Nice post!
