Georgia Snow

Here in Georgia, the current snow basically has the whole north side of the state shut down. Our infrastructure is so woefully incapable of handling the winter conditions that come upon us every few years that we all react by just calling everything quits and living within a 1 mile radius of our homes until the white stuff melts. I ended up being stranded about 25 miles from home at my office (glad to have an equipped Get Home Bag) last night, and made my way home over frozen roads this morning. I would share pictures of the road conditions and crazy traffic, but honestly, you guys from up north would just laugh and make fun of us! Instead I'll post just this one from a traffic cam showing how everyone here just throws the rules out the window when it gets like this. Traffic lights, stop signs, travel direction - it's all optional.

But on the lighter side, kids are out of school and it was my youngest boy, Zane's, first snow. They are having a blast and I have now been hit by no less than 40 snowballs since I got home this morning - two of those thrown surreptitiously by the wife.

Finally, a quick video of my neighbor's rejected Iditarod entry...

1 comment:

  1. Yes.
