Skin on Frame Canoe Build

After several weeks of planning and reading, I was able to start work this week on my 2/3 size skin on frame canoe. A few pics from the last couple nights...

Pattern for the form and the stems drawn out onto 1/2" plywood.

I have had the gunnels pre-bending for a few days over this fancy gascan form. Patent pending.

The keelson glued and screwed to the stems.

Everything drying and setting. This is a patience trying build, that is for sure.

Keelson set and upside down over canoe form. The gunnels are bent around the form as well and tied into the stem. This approximates the shape and length of what the finished canoe will be. OAL will be 10', about 2/3 what a full size canoe build will be. Since this is my first take, and I know my first attempts rarely turn out, I am starting small in the hopes of learning my lessons here.

Adding the longitudinal stringers.

Stringers added, but not yet permanently attached. Still pondering how I want to do the permanent attaching.

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